No. 013 Prisoner No.426 囚人番号426
記憶 重犯罪者収容所 地下取調室 一周前 2104年
Flashback | Maximum Security Prison | Interrogation Room | One Loop Ago 2104
尾西平三: 未決囚E-426、前を向け
未決囚E-426 顔を上げろ
電気ショックを 食らいたいか
Heizo Onishi: Prisoner E-426… Face forward!
The drug has been administered. The perp cannot fight back.
Do not be alarmed. It is safe to enter.
Prisoner E-426. Look up while we are speaking to you.
Or would you rather bear the brunt of the electric chair?
沖野司: …この人が あの事件の犯人ですか
Tsukasa Okino: So this man’s the culprit?
尾西平三: 敷島の施設を爆破し
多くの死傷者を 出した凶悪犯だよ
捕えはしたが 素性も不明なら
そこで君にわざわざ 来てもらったわけだ
私は担当官の尾西 捜査協力に感謝する
Heizo Onishi: He's a murderer.
He bombed Shikishima, killing countless prople.
We managed to catch him, but his identity is still unknown.
Furthermore, his testimony makes no sense.
That’s why I've requested your assistance.
The name’s Onishi. I'm in charge of this investigation. I appreciate your help…
Mr. Tsukasa Okino.
和泉十郎: !
Juro Izumi: !
尾西平三: その男を よく見てくれたまえ
Heizo Onishi: Take a good look at him.
Do you know this man?
沖野司: …いいえ 見たこともありません
Tsukasa Okino: …No. I'm afraid I've never seen him before.
尾西平三: …問題ない
君の生体反応も 正直な発言と示している
Heizo Onishi: All right then.
Your biometrics lead me to believe you're being honest with us.
沖野司: …どうして僕が?
Tsukasa Okino: Why did you bring me here?
尾西平三: 自白剤を使用した その男の供述の中で
森村千尋という 女学生の名が出て来た
Heizo Onishi: Well, we used a truth serum on the guy.
He started saying your name over and over.
He also mentioned a student by the name of Chihiro Morimura.
This is her photo.
Do you recognize her?
沖野司: …いいえ
Tsukasa Okino: …No.
尾西平三: 彼女にも捜査協力を 要請するが
現在国外で来週の 帰国を待たねばならん
足を運んでもらって 悪かったね
何かあればまた 来てもらうかもしれない
Heizo Onishi: We’ll be requesting her cooperation soon enough.
But it’ll have to wait until next week. She's currently out of the country.
In any case, thank you for joining us today.
I may ask for your presence again if any new info turns up.
沖野司: はい
Tsukasa Okino: Of course.
尾西平三: 出たまえ… 表示に従って別室へ
Heizo Onishi: You are free to go. Follow the signs back to the waiting room.
和泉十郎: …
Juro Izumi: …
尾西平三: 心配はいらない
Heizo Onishi: Do not be alarmed.
The perp cannot fight back.
和泉十郎: …
Juro Izumi: …
尾西平三: 和泉十郎くん
その男を よく見てくれたまえ
Heizo Onishi: Mr. Juro Izumi.
Take a good look at him.
Do you know this man?
和泉十郎: …知るわけが ないでしょう
爆破テロの 犯人なんでしょ
Juro Izumi: How would I?
All I know is… he's a terrorist bomber.
尾西平三: その男と君の DNAデータだが
驚くことに 完全に一致している
Heizo Onishi: Well, we took a look at your DNA.
The two of you are a perfect match. It was quite a surprise.
和泉十郎: ええ?
Juro Izumi: What?
尾西平三: 君たちの どちらかが
クローンである 可能性で調査中だ
Heizo Onishi: There's a distinct possibility…
…that one of you is a clone.
和泉十郎: ばかな…
彼はなんて 言ってるんです?
Juro Izumi: That’s ridiculous.
What does he have to say about it?
尾西平三: その男の供述では
未来から来た 君なんだそうだ
怪獣の出現を 阻止するためだそうだ
Heizo Onishi: According to his testimony…
He is, in fact, you… from the future.
As for his motive…
He claimed he had to commit this crime to prevent the emergence of kaiju.
和泉十郎: …カイジュウ?
Juro Izumi: Kaiju…?
尾西平三: !
Heizo Onishi: !
…Excuse me for a moment.
What is it? We’re in the middle of an investigation.
和泉十郎: ?
Juro Izumi: ?
尾西平三: 何…避難勧告?
Heizo Onishi: What? An evacuation order?
It’s on the news…?
和泉十郎: …怪獣…
Juro Izumi: Kaiju…